Friday, 27 April 2012


To test a level of understanding for my final year project.
To present about programmable control home safety via gsm modem; the performance or what have been achieved.
To improve myself, in term of knowledge, presentation and communication.

Content / Procedure: 
Refer to FYP scheme, presentation degree semester 2 to prepare a material.
Discuss with supervisor, about how to tackle the question.
Done a more research about basic knowledge of GSM modem and program microcontroller.
Prepare a video as an supported material 
Ensure the prototype in high good condition.

Result and Analysis:
I'm done a slideshow, poster and a few testing towards hydro prototype to ensure it work properly during presentation.
The presentation will be conducted by 2 referee.
My presentation considerably good and smooth.
The poster and pictures for presentation shown below:

Personally, i'm glad that i be able to complete my FYP project until achieved the goal because of some difficulty to find a reference and so on.Then i got top 20 in BMI.Alhamdulillah.
This project   programmable control home safety via gsm modem  takes more effort to make it with excellent.
This project can be develop into another level if the new candidate; who have an interest towards control the appliances in the house to spend an effort, time and money to make it more useful.

Friday, 20 April 2012


Preparation for the presentation day.
Presentation Day

To prepare the presentation Poster.
To present the project of "Progammable control home safety via GSM modem" that will be contributes 10% of the coursework.

Contents / Procedures: The presentation day is on Week 14, Thursday, April 24, 2012. The presentation day is held at three places which is Dewan Gemilang, TTL foyer and academic building at level 2 and level 3. The project of mine will be access by Madam Nazariah and Dr.Ahmad Basri. Before the presentation, the poster show has been shown to the supervisor, Tuan haji Dr Zainudin bin Kornain.

Results: The event is going smoothly and during the presentation time, assessors ask some question regarding on the project.

This my poster.

Conclusion: The presentation is one of the way to test the knowledge of student on their project either they understand what they are going to do or not.

Friday, 13 April 2012


Title: Show all the circuit and prototype to advisor.

To verify my project to advisor.

Result and Analysis:
My advisor verify and said well done.

Friday, 30 March 2012


Final Year Project briefing. 

To gain knowledge from the briefing.

Contents / Procedures: 
For this week, there is Final Year Project briefing at TTL 1. The committee is Dr  Mohd Khairil bin Rahmat and Mr Shamsul Zahari bin Shahidin. Some point of the briefing is on the T-Shirt, claiming budget and submission of the report for FYP Sem 2 and Diploma students. Plus, to reminds the students on the presentation day for Degree Sem 1 and Engineers Day for Degree Sem 2 and Diploma students.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Friday, 16 March 2012


Title: Troubleshooting all circuit

To analyse the circuit performance.

Content / Procedure:
All circuit have been  brazing.
Do a component test. Collect an old component that have been used in order to reduce a cost.
Try to do some test towards circuit to analyse the performance.

Result and Analysis:
Have some circuit have problem because of some component burn or damage.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012


Title: Construct the circuit.

> To make a circuit PCB etching and drilling.
> To Test a PCB Inverter circuit.
> To analyse the circuit performance.

Content / Procedure: 
> Prepare a material to do circuit etching.
> Do a component test. Collect an old component that have been used in order to reduce a cost.
> Try to do some test towards etching circuit to analyse the performance.

Result and Analysis:
I'm done a construction for  High Current Inverter Circuit. The circuit is fly-back converter and using 555 timers as an controller.
This testing part was done by using my old equipments that have been used during my studies.
The circuit PCB design and the pictures during etching the inverter circuit.

Sunday, 4 March 2012


Final Year Project briefing and further research relay.

To gain knowledge from the briefing.
To search the related information of the relay.

Contents / Procedures:
For this week, there is Final Year Project briefing at TTL 1. The committee is Dr  Mohd Khairil bin Rahmat and Mr Shamsul Zahari bin Shahidin. Some point of the briefing is on the T-Shirt, claiming budget and submission of the report for FYP Sem 2 and Degree students. Plus, to reminds the students on the presentation day for Degree Sem 1 and Engineers Day for Degree Sem 2 and Degree students.
Internet research has been done in order to know more on the relay.


Relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to operate a switching mechanism mechanically, but other operating principles are also used.
Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a low power signal or where several circuits must be controlled by one signal.
Current flowing through the coil of the relay creates a magnetic field which attracts a lever and changes the switch contacts. The coil current can be on and off so relays have two switch positions.
The coil of a relay can passes a relatively large current, typically 30mA for a 12V relay, but it can be as much as 100mA for relays designed to operate from lower voltages.
Relays are usually SPDT or DPDT

Tuesday, 28 February 2012


Title: Smoke Sensor / Detector(research further device)

Objective: To search the related information of the smoke sensor that will be used in this project.
Contents / Procedures: In order to understand more on the features of this sensor, the internet research has been done.

Smoke  detector is one of the common devices in a house security system.
As defined by the Wikipedia, smoke detector is a device that detects smoke, typically as an indicator of fire. Most smoke detectors work either by ionization detectors or by photoelectric detectors while others use both detection methods to increase sensitivity to smoke. Usually, in many single family detached and smaller multiple family housing, a smoke sensor is often powered only by a single disposed battery.
 Both ionization and photoelectric detectors are effective smoke sensors. Ionization detectors response more quickly to flaming fires with smaller combustion particles while photoelectric detectors respond more quickly to smoldering fires.
The smoke sensor detects smoke from a fire and sounds an alarm from the buzzer.
The smoke sensor that is under consideration to be used in this project is MQ2 Smoke Sensor. For this project, the smoke sensor will sense the smoke and buzzer will activated when there is an excessive amount of smoke.

This smoke sensor characteristics as below:
Wide detecting scope
Stable and long life
Fast response and high sensitivity
Sensing resistance: 3k ohm - 30k ohm
Suitable to detect smoke, LPG, alcohol and hydrogen
Detects combustible gases and smokes in a range of 300 - 10000ppm
The sensitivity of this sensor can be adjust using potentiometer
Conclusion: This smoke sensor is the device to detect the excessive amount of smoke. For this project, it will send the signal to the micro-controller and from the micro-controller, the signal will be send to the output device which is buzzer.

Saturday, 18 February 2012

WEEK 5-Schematic Circuit

GSM Switch is a project to turn on or turn off electrical appliances such as light switching home or anywhere remotely via GSM.

How to turn on equipment by sending SMS '1111' ON 'and switch off the equipment by sending SMS' 0000 GSM Switch will receive instructions either load 1 (L1), load 2 (L2), load 3 (L3) or load 4 (L4). Then the GSM Switch will send the four load status is ONor OFF either. Skematiknya are as follows

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


• The main component is the regulator IC 7805 which serves to convert the input DCvoltage 12V to 5VDC

• 5VDC is the operating voltage used by the PIC, sensor, relay driver, and also in theother circuits

• functions as a rectifier diode IN4007.

• 1K ohm function as "Load" which allows a small current through it and then light theLED.

• Babysitter WANTED function as "filters" to produce a clean DC operating voltage(filtering the resulting ripple voltage)


• C547 transistors used as switches for controlling the operation of relay

• If there is voltage at the base of transistor> 0.7V the transistor will be in the "ON"

• Current flows from the resistor, transistor base to ground.


A microcontroller is a single integrated circuit (IC) which is small enough but containing all the integrated circuits such as CPU, EPROM program memory, RAM memory and an Input/Output interfaces.
All of these functions are included within one single package, making them cost effective and easy to use.

PIC Microcontroller is a programmable microcontroller ICs manufactured by MICROCHIP

Programming language:
High Level language:
  • C language,C++
  • Basic, QBasic
Low Level Language:
  • Assembly

Software tools to write program:
  • MPLAB IDE (can be download from microchip website)

Saturday, 4 February 2012




The  objective of project GSM controller the house appliances is to provide a wide range and variety of customer with a controller GSM. Their main aimed at developing the safety of home against light, air conditioner agitated with Automatic Temperature Sensor and fan. In any of the above three cases any one met while you are out of your home than the device sends SMS to the system no provided to it.

The report consists of a background into the area of 8051 microcontroller and mobile communication, how they are interfaced to each other and AT (Attention) commands set used in communication.

However, it is unrealistic to expect the safety control the home appliances to plan the generation, transmission and control systems such on and off the electrical appliances are can be control. Some of these devices which are expensive but consist of reliable system and there are some cheaper devices which are productive too but still, all this devices has their own limitations. Even though technology plays a main role in developing good automated smart switching module but still there many addicts who are concern on the price tag(costing)of the devices itself [1]. Such outages and disturbances can be quite disastrous in the
case of sensitive loads, such as computers, which are now extensively used in modern commerce and industry.

            Looking into all this aspect in the real life habit, a stable and acceptable solution which is the SMS remote control Safety Home Module for remote access and control of electrical appliances via GSM modem has been designed. Safety home will be the future of homes. Equipped wit the latest technology, safety home has potential to become a reality in the new market with latest technology. Safety Home System is as shown below in Figure 1.1 and the hardware connection of the application on figure 1.2.The SMS controller as the primary control unit provide reliable structured approach and monitoring status compare to the conventional method(CM). In this system, the SMS is used for switching basic electrical appliances using conventional method and also remote switching via short SMS. This entire system enables the end user to interactively communicate with the SMS controller in any circumstances.

            The home appliances controlled by using the SMS switching are as appended below:-

1)      Light
2)      Air Conditioner agitated
3)      Fan
4)      Error Detection System

Literature Review

            Most of current can be control about home appliances can be control by GSM remote. The number of methods and approaches being used or proposed to estimate the GSM remote can be programmable control the home safety. Home safety will be the future of homes. Equipped with the latest technology, home safety has potential to become a reality in the home market. The key to homes safety is in the wiring. For example, the panels will host all wiring options in one panel instead of hosting just one cable outlet of the same size. Home safety technology has not made much progress in the past. However, it seems that it is starting to become a reality now as companies are taking part in the Home safety industry.

            Home safety technology[6] offers the prospect of significant improvements in living standards for everyone including older or disabled people who are heavily reliant on home care. Home safety is a home emphasizes on safety, security and comfort with modern technology in it.

            According to Lim et al. [9], almost half of those surveyed (45%) are interested in having the sort of functions offered by a Home safety. The reason consumers embrace the idea of smart home technology is because of the safety and security features it after, which according to statistic, was agreed by about 70% of respondents.
A study by [1]the main idea is about the new generation of homes. Home safety are actually ordinary homes turned extraordinary using the latest technology. A smart home is nearly fully automated and it ensures safety, security and comfort for everyone under its roof. By utilizing advance and complex technologies, life is made easier and simpler.

            Home safety offer the best in security, safety and comfort. It was originally instead for the technologically inclined (techno geeks) but now, Home safety are aimed at the general public. This is because Home safety make everyday responsibilities easier and simpler, besides saving time and energy. Home safety prove especially convenient for those who have hectic lifestyle, aiding them in the daily house chores by [3].

A Home safety provides benefits to the home owner as it ensures the safety and security of the family members, simplify house chores and tasks and helps in efficient energy management, thus reducing energy bills for the home. Automation helps make a Home safety more convenient. Safety and security features are installed in and around the house. For example, sensors that are installed can detect a person’s movement and activates a certain preset function by [7]. This would prove extremely useful when the home owner is not at home or outstation. Any sign of break-ins would be detected immediately and the alarm would be let off.


Figure 1:Using PIC16F877


Ø  Accomplish a conventional method of switching as well as smart switching.
Ø  Exploit the preprogram switching pertaining the Real Time Technique.
Ø  Employ the remote licit method via GSM modem.
Ø  Organize an immense error detection model to display and notify user on defects of the electrical appliances.
Ø  Alert on each switching made through SMS.


The brain of the system stands on the main controller unit which is the SMS switching. While exercising conventional method of switching, at the same time, this product is capable of implementing intelligent as well. A few attribute is anticipated such as:-

Ø  Channel of bandwidth with use.Example:1800 bandwidth.
Ø  Hand phone GSM is devices will be use to SMS.

This study will review the various types and configuration of SMS switching systems which will then be used as case studies to test and validate the proposed reliability estimation methods. Cost/benefit analysis that considers the cost of outage and the cost SMS switching programmable will also be performed to ensure that the switching design configuration and application satisfies the SMS by GSM requirements at a right cost.


The research study will produce development estimation for SMS switching systems. Estimation techniques will be proposed, tested and applied to the analysis and design of the SMS switching systems. The proposed techniques will be useful in determining some important reliability parameters of the SMS switching systems and will provide information on the overall SMS switching system’s reliability and availability.

The SMS switching system’s figures can also be used to plan for SMS switching system’s maintenance program and correspondingly to plan for component spares and logistic. The estimated SMS switching system’s can be applied to compare the SMS switching design, types and configurations; along with other factors such as performance, cost, available space, and many others. The research findings will be very useful in the GSM industry as it will enables the user to make informed judgments and performance of such systems. Practically, its main target users are GSM system designers, manufacturers, GSM tendering committees maintenance and repair personnel and up to the end-users.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

WEEK 2-Briefing

Description of job:
1.   Second Final Year Project (FYP) briefing.
2. Sign up the blog.
3. FYP proposal.

1.   On the FYP briefing, Ass. Prof. Dr. Zulkifli bin Abdul Kadir Bakti brief on the important of taken the FYP syllabus. It is restricted that students are not allowed to book the project from outside or another person. Besides that, Mdm Noorazlina bt Mohamad Salih  also reminds the student to sign up the blog.
2.   Students are compulsory to sign up the blog as a logbook. From the blog, supervisor will know the progress of their advisees’ projects. The URL of my blog is

Saturday, 21 January 2012

WEEK 1- Meeting

Description of job:
1.   First Final Year Project (FYP) briefing.
2.   Update student profile.
3.   Find the supervisor and title.
1.   On the FYP briefing, the committee of FYP, Dr. Zulkhairi bin Md Yusof brief on the web that been used for the FYP is Besides that Mr Ismail bin Adam talks on the project management.
2.   Students need to update the profile; hand phone number and email in