To test a level of understanding for my final year project.
To present about programmable control home safety via gsm modem; the performance or what have been achieved.
To improve myself, in term of knowledge, presentation and communication.
Content / Procedure:
Refer to FYP scheme, presentation degree semester 2 to prepare a material.
Discuss with supervisor, about how to tackle the question.
Done a more research about basic knowledge of GSM modem and program microcontroller.
Prepare a video as an supported material
Ensure the prototype in high good condition.
Result and Analysis:
I'm done a slideshow, poster and a few testing towards hydro prototype to ensure it work properly during presentation.
The presentation will be conducted by 2 referee.
My presentation considerably good and smooth.
The poster and pictures for presentation shown below:

Personally, i'm glad that i be able to complete my FYP project until achieved the goal because of some difficulty to find a reference and so on.Then i got top 20 in BMI.Alhamdulillah.
This project programmable control home safety via gsm modem takes more effort to make it with excellent.
This project can be develop into another level if the new candidate; who have an interest towards control the appliances in the house to spend an effort, time and money to make it more useful.